Total Divests Assets in the UK to Petrogas

Total Divests Assets in the UK to Petrogas

Total has signed an agreement to divest several UK non-core assets to Petrogas NEO UK Ltd, the exploration and production arm of the Oman-based conglomerate MB Holding. Petrogas has partnered with Norway-based private equity investor HitecVision. Formerly owned by...
Gazprom opens engineering branch in Vladivostok

Gazprom opens engineering branch in Vladivostok

An opening ceremony for the Far Eastern branch of Gazprom 335 took place today on Russky Island in Vladivostok. The branch is a specialized engineering unit that will implement the projects of the Gazprom Group focused on offshore hydrocarbon production and on gas...
Total Starts Up the La Mède Biorefinery

Total Starts Up the La Mède Biorefinery

Total has started up production at the La Mède biorefinery in southeastern France, with the first batches of biofuel coming off the line. It is the final step in converting a former oil refinery into a new energies complex. Launched in 2015, the project represents a...

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