
IK-SUBSEA: Deep-Sea Fixers Keeping Energy Flowing

IK-SUBSEA: Deep-Sea Fixers Keeping Energy Flowing

When it comes to complex challenges beneath the ocean surface, in some of the world’s most difficult conditions, operating with strict timelines and budgets, Adrian Gamman – VP at IK Subsea – says that nothing is impossible and accepts every...

ENERPROJECT: Innovation and Quality Sets Enerproject Above the Rest

ENERPROJECT: Innovation and Quality Sets Enerproject Above the Rest

Switzerland’s Enerproject continues to engineer some of the world’s best gas compression solutions displaying almost 30 years of experience. GM Business Development, Vito Notari tells Energy Focus more about the company’s unique but wide-ranging...

NORTH SEA ENERGY SERVICES: Changing NSES Secures Solid Future

NORTH SEA ENERGY SERVICES: Changing NSES Secures Solid Future

Structural changes to North Sea Energy Services strategy are helping to position the company for sustainable growth over the long term. MD Scott MacAngus tells Energy Focus that a new premises and a drive for work in new industry sectors are...

ALABAMA SHIPYARD: Shipyard Renaissance Fully Underway in Alabama

ALABAMA SHIPYARD: Shipyard Renaissance Fully Underway in Alabama

As the world looks for shipyard capacity with energy infrastructure and other important sectors moving offshore, major markets are vying for share. The US has some of the world most advanced shipyards and Alabama Shipyard in the country’s south is...

HALLIBURTON: Collaborative Solutions for Maximum Asset Value

HALLIBURTON: Collaborative Solutions for Maximum Asset Value

Founded in 1919, Halliburton is one of the world's leading providers of products and services to cater for the constantly evolving needs of the energy industry. More than 45,000 employees across more than 80 countries allow Halliburton to solve...

KBAL: Differentiated Technology from Shipowner for Shipowners

KBAL: Differentiated Technology from Shipowner for Shipowners

By using no chemical, no filter, and no overly complicated engineering for crew, the Knutsen Ballast Water Treatment is emerging as an industry leader for LNG carriers and shuttle tankers across the global fleet. MD Jorunn Seglem tells Energy Focus...

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