• Orders grew 8%, to €24.5 billion, and revenue rose 4%, to €21.3 billion, for a strong book-to-bill ratio of 1.15 and record high order backlog of €144 billion
  • On a comparable basis, excluding currency translation and portfolio effects, orders increased 6% and revenue was up 2% compared to Q3 FY 2018
  • Adjusted EBITA Industrial Businesses declined to €1.9 billion, due mainly to decreases in Digital Industries and Gas and Power; Industrial Businesses Adjusted EBITA margin was 9.6%, held back by severance charges which took 0.3 percentage points
  • Net income of €1.1 billion included substantially better results outside Industrial Businesses compared to Q3 FY 2018; basic earnings per share (EPS) of €1.28 was burdened by severance charges amounting to €0.09

The favorable market environment for our short cycle businesses, which was a material basis for our outlook, has significantly deteriorated in the second half of the fiscal year. Nevertheless, we confirm our financial expectations for fiscal 2019, even though it becomes more challenging to achieve our expectation of moderate growth in revenue, net of currency translation and portfolio effects. We continue to anticipate that orders will exceed revenue for a book-to-bill ratio above 1. We expect that Adjusted EBITA margin for our Industrial Businesses will reach the lower half of the range of 11.0% to 12.0% excluding severance charges. Finally, we confirm our expectation of basic EPS from net income in the range of €6.30 to €7.00 excluding severance charges.

source: https://press.siemens.com/global/en/pressrelease/earnings-release-q3-fy-2019

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