TSG CHARGE: Enabling the Electric Future, One Connection at a Time
TSG Charge is busy energising the UK’s demand for EV Charging in all sectors. It’s a challenging and technical industry, but the company has many years of experience in traditional fuels which sets it apart from others. EV Commercial Director, Michelle Machesney tells Energy Focus that the team is happy with progress and excited about the future.
TSG Charge, a division of TSG UK – the regional arm of the global TSG Group – is a company perfectly positioned to demonstrate the speed and desire in the energy transition.
“I don’t think anyone realised how big it was going to get. It flourished instantly and continued from there on,” says Michelle Machesney, EV Commercial Director at TSG Charge.
TSG has, over the past 50 years, honed its abilities in the mobility market. Known by most as a provider of technology and expertise to the petrol station industry through different divisions, the rise of the electric vehicle (EV) and the oncoming phase-out of the internal combustion engine has seen the company adapt its offering.
In 2016, following the acquisition of the Tokheim equipment business, a management buyout saw TSG formed and become an independent sales and service operation. Growth was rapid and the company expanded to cover 30 countries with more than 6000 employees working across different offerings.

Michelle Machesney,
EV Commercial Director
“The split allowed us to diversify and we moved into a number of different services, one of which was car wash and the other was EV (charge),” says Machesney. “There was already some activity in Germany, but in the UK, it was a relatively new market. I was Business Development Director for the traditional fuels side of the business and, around seven years ago, we ventured into EV in the UK. I picked it up alongside what I was doing in the traditional fuels side of the business as it was not expected to grow as quickly as it has. Soon after, developing our charge business line became my full-time role.”
The market opportunity was obvious. TSG could see its business in the fuel station market changing. Different demands from a modern industry and changing consumer profiles saw new technologies comes to the fore. The number of EVs on UK roads is expected to rise by 8.62% year-on-year by 2028, and since 2016 there has been phenomenal growth. Just 0.4% of all new vehicles registered were electric at the end of 2016. By 2023 this had risen to 16.5% of new car registrations with a further 7.4% of all new cars registered falling in the plug-in hybrid category.
TSG Charge brings turnkey solutions to the EV charging market; designing, supplying, installing, and maintaining charging infrastructure throughout the UK, calling on its expertise in traditional fuel markets to deliver best-in-class.
“We have seen a real shift,” admits Machesney – a two-decade veteran of TSG. “Business is growing rapidly as there is so much pressure for people to put EV charging points in, but often they don’t know exactly what they need. TSG prides itself on helping to educate customers, working closely with them to provide the right solutions. We work with some very big blue-chip companies, and we install an array of commercial chargers from AC to ultra rapid.”
AC – alternating current – has to be converted for use or storage in a battery while DC does not require converting and so allows for higher speed charging. Most rapid charging solutions utilise DC – anything from 50kW upwards, with ultra rapid chargers up to 400 kW. AC charging sits between 7 – 22 kW. Sourcing the correct chargers and installing for safe and reliable operations is no easy feat, and demand from forecourt owners and end-users is insatiable. The whole process must be managed effectively, and this is where TSG excels.
“In our first year focusing on EV, we installed over 650 AC charge points. Over the years, we have seen an increase in demand to supply and install more DC charge points. The market is evolving and customers are looking for higher power chargers, but AC still has its place in back to base fleet, retail and workplace environments. Due to the size of our business and complex solutions offered, TSG focus is on commercial installations only,” says Machesney.
Ground up sites are where the company is seeing a lot of growth, especially in the on-the-go market, with the development of EV Charging Hubs. “In the last decade, there has been a drop in the total number of service stations, not because of EV emergence, but because of certain companies pulling out of the market or the country, and this has seen the rise of independents. Many of the larger petrol stations already have provisions for EV Charging, largely by renting parking spaces to Charge Point Operators (CPOs). The challenge for the remaining smaller service stations to invest in EV Charging is having the adequate space and power available. This is making it difficult for them to compete with their larger competitors.
“Our key focus areas,” she adds, “are heavy transport, bus, fleet and on-the-go charging, and existing service stations who have sufficient space or landowners that want to develop an EV Charging offering. EV drivers are looking for good facilities, such as good Wi-Fi, coffee, and clean welfare facilities, as well as reliable and easy to use chargers in a well-lit location – those who can offer this will be the ones who will see the success in owning and operating an EV Charging solution.”
For any customer looking to install EV Charging, TSG Charge can provide a total EPC solution, from EV Charging hardware, design, survey, to managing the DNO (Distribution Network Operator) process, electrical and civils works, right through to maintenance. “We are quality-driven, providing the best-in-class expertise and services.”
Following an acquisition two years ago, TSG can also provide ICP (Independent Connection Provider) services, making it a true end to end solution provider.
“We have an excellent reputation as a solutions provider which has continued since our focus on EV Charging. TSG was long seen as the petrol pump company, and moving into EV required a new set of skills and a fresh approach.
“It was challenging in the early days as people didn’t know us in the EV Charging space,” admits Michelle Machesney. “We have managed to transition, and the business has changed considerably. I am now confident in saying that we are one of the market leaders when it comes to EV Charging Infrastructure and Solutions.”
The zero-emission vehicle mandate, the government pathway towards all new cars and vans being zero emission by 2035, is now law. 80% of new cars and 70% of new vans sold in the UK will now be zero emission by 2030, increasing to 100% by 2035. This will require significant infrastructure implementation to ensure the country’s ability to charge is not a blocker of progress. TSG recognises this long-term element of the energy transition as an opportunity and is putting in place partnerships that allow it to assist all markets that will need to make the transition to EV.
Machesney details different sectors where EV infrastructure will be required as sustainable and environmental pressure increase. “We are already seeing an increased demand for fleets, public transport and more recently heavy transport.”
TSG Charge is currently supporting a number of customers with their long-term strategy for EV Charging, which starts with understanding power requirements and availability.
The company is also installing DC charging hubs as part of a global contract for a large EV Charge Point Operator (CPO), along with installing AC Charging for a hospitality chain.
“Demand is very high,” she reveals. “Customers can be waiting many months/years for new power connections, due to reinforcement works being required to the grid. We have to help our customers plan for the long-term and helping them secure power early on is key for future EV Charging infrastructure investment.
“It’s moving incredibly fast – faster than anyone anticipated,” Machesney smiles. “There is so much that needs doing but everything takes time. Power availability is a huge concern for everyone, so we are looking at alternative options for our customers. Battery and solar solutions are not new in the UK, however combining them with EV Charging is. TSG are looking to ensure we are able to offer as many options to our customers in order to help them progress with their sustainability goals.”
There are now more than one million BEVs (Battery EVs) and 620,000 Plug in Hybrids on UK roads and the industry is one of the largest in Europe. Being a part of the transition to a more sustainable future, alongside advancing technological development is particularly pleasing for Machesney and TSG.
“I was sold,” she says. “The minute I started working in the EV charging market, it ticked all the boxes for me. It’s new, you feel you are making a difference towards a more sustainable future, and the way the industry has evolved in such a small amount of time is what is very exciting. We know transitioning to EV will not solve everything; however it is a significant start to protecting our planet.”
For TSG, the strategy is clear: Taking a proactive approach in assisting forward-thinking customers with the transition from traditional fossil fuels to alternative new energies, including EV charging, gas, and hydrogen. When doing this across the group, the company will undoubtedly have a powerful impact.
“TSG prides itself on providing the same level of service and solutions across all 30 countries we are present in. This is what differentiates us from others. Overall, as a group, we are very pleased with how we have progressed in the e-mobility space,” Machesney concludes.